Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting back into the swing of things!

I wonder why it is so hard to commit to getting healthy. Maybe because there are so many distractions and it is easier to sit and be still then to be active. I had such high hopes when I started this blog and then I kind of let it go. I actually have four blogs and haven't written much of anything this month due to a whole bunch of different issues. But here is my plan: Last summer I started using Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I really saw a difference in how strong and toned I was. This week I managed to do the workout twice and tried out her Yoga Meltdown yesterday. I have the treadmill ready to go and facing it's own personal TV and DVD player and this week I am going to commit to at least 30 minutes most days. I'd say every day, but then I will feel bad if I don't so almost will give me the wiggle room to avoid the guilt. Wish me luck!